Pasta Berruto

Pasta Berruto
Tagliatelle con porri e luganega

Tagliatelle with leeks and luganega

A greedy and balanced choice but above all that helps us discover a typical and regional ingredient!

In fact, the luganega is the traditional name given in Lombardy, Veneto and other Po Valley-Alpine regions to a fresh pork sausage, similar to the category of sausages.

The Lucanian hypothesis: The luganega is a typical preparation of Northern Italy whose birthplaces have been linked to the Roman era when a type of sausage originally from Lucania was indicated with the term lucanica

The Lombard hypothesis: It is also possible that it was not the Romans who imported the luganega into northern Italy but the Lombards, barbarians of Germanic origin, during the occupation of Langobardia Minor. They allegedly learned about the customs of the local populations and then transferred the recipe north

Let's enjoy this recipe in full #PastaYourWay #Inclusive #Stories style, very tasty for true gourmets prepared by Angela Berton.



(4 people)
360 g of tagliatelle n. 88 Berruto 1881 Bio
1 leek (medium size)
300 g of luganega
60 g of Roman Pecorino (grated)
Extra virgin olive oil, salt, peppercorns q.b.


  • Clean the leek by removing the green end and the first covering leaf
  • Cut it into strips and wash it well under running water
  • In a large wok, fry the leek in plenty of extra virgin olive oil, then cover with a lid
  • Let it stew for 10 minutes, adding a few ladles of water
  • Take a part of the leek, add a ladleful of hot water, a pinch of salt, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and blend everything with an immersion blender, then set aside
  • Cut the luganega into small pieces and add it to the stewed leek, then cook for 12 minutes. until the sausage is cooked and well crumbled
  • On the side, cook the tagliatelle in plenty of salted water for 6 minutes.
  • Drain the pasta in the wok and add almost all of the grated Pecorino, the blended leek cream and a ladle of water
  • Sauté the pasta over high heat for 2 minutes, then serve it by adding a handful of Pecorino cheese and freshly ground peppercorns.
500 gr
x Carrello/CartACQUISTA
2 spighe
500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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2 spighe
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500 gr
x Carrello/CartACQUISTA
2 spighe
#discount( $discount1_from $discount1_to $discount1_perc $discount1_fix ) #discount( $discount2_from $discount2_to $discount2_perc $discount2_fix )
500 gr
x Carrello/CartACQUISTA
2 spighe
box bio solo prodotto 300x250.jpg
9 Kg
36 spighe
Box Le Regionali gamma
9 Kg
36 spighe
#discount( $discount1_from $discount1_to $discount1_perc $discount1_fix ) #discount( $discount2_from $discount2_to $discount2_perc $discount2_fix )
grano duro italiano.png
da 9 a 18 Kg
36 spighe
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Box gusto e benessere gamma
2 Kg
36 spighe
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Box senza glutine gamma 300 x 250.jpg
7,2 Kg
36 spighe
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