Pasta Berruto

Pasta Berruto
Mafalde con Ricotta, Speck e Zucchine

Mafalde with Ricotta, Speck and Zucchini

Recipe created by Anna Attanasio also available on Giallo Zafferano 

#PastaYourWay sustainability and social inclusion project




(4 people)

280 g of mafalde Berruto 1881

400 g of zucchini

100 g of sliced speck

250 g of cottage cheese

30 g onion (1/2 small onion)

50 g of grated cheese (Parmesan or Grana)

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Salt up to taste


  1. Cut the speck into strips
  2. Grate the courgettes with a grater with large holes and finely chop the onion
  3. Pour the oil into a pan, add the speck and brown, then add the onion
  4. After a few minutes, add the courgettes and lightly salt them
  5. Cook the mafalde in plenty of salted water and drain when al dente, putting them directly into the pan with the sauce.
  6. Sauté them for a few minutes with a little cooking water, then add the ricotta and mix
  7. With the fire off, add the grated cheese
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