Pasta Berruto

Pasta Berruto
Ricetta Mezze Maniche con pomodorini secchi e ricotta

Mezze Maniche with Dried Tomatoes and Ricotta

Recipe created by Micaela Ferri

#PastaYourWay sustainability and social inclusion project


(for 4 people)

400 g of Mezze Maniche

200 g of cow's milk ricotta

150 g of tomato sauce

40 g of dried tomatoes in oil

1 medium eggplant

Grated Parmesan cheese to taste

Extra virgin olive oil / salt to taste


  1. Wash and dry the aubergine, then cut it into small cubes of about 1 cm per side.
  2. Also cut the cherry tomatoes into small pieces and keep them aside
  3. Pour a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and the aubergines into a large pan, let them cook for a few minutes, adding a little water if needed
  4. As soon as the aubergines have softened, add the chopped dried tomatoes and mix, allowing them to flavor for approx. 1 min
  5. Add the tomato puree and cook for 10 minutes so that the sauce thickens well
  6. Add the ricotta and mix well to melt it
  7. While the sauce is cooking, boil the half sleeves in abundant salted water (approx. 12-13 min)
  8. Drain the half sleeves and pour them into the pan with the sauce, stirring them well
  9. Serve the mezze manicures with aubergines, dried tomatoes and ricotta on individual plates, adding a generous grating of Parmigiano Reggiano.
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