Pasta Berruto

Pasta Berruto
Senza Glutine

The role of producers of pasta for celiacs

National Celiac Week is celebrated from 15 to 23 May.

Celiac people currently diagnosed in Italy are 225,418, although those expected are over 600,000, about 1% of the Italian population *.

Pasta producers play a very important role in having found many suitable solutions thanks to the use of raw materials such as corn, rice, peas, lentils.

And, for this reason, two fundamental games are played in this sector: that of innovation in the search for alternative raw materials and that of innovation in the search for alternative production processes.

We offer two solutions, the more traditional one and you can try our Box by choosing the pasta shapes you like best:

E Gusto e Benessere produced with legumes and cereals and you can try our Gusto e Benessere Box








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