Lifestyle or daily choice?
"Going on a diet" or "being on a diet" is an expression in the collective imagination to describe a condition of deprivation and suffering.
Unless it's the Mediterranean Diet!
In fact, in most cases we are forced to follow very strict diets precisely because we have somehow exceeded the limit and we have not been able to maintain a balance between what we need for our daily life and what we put on our plate.
The Mediterranean diet is recognized all over the world for having unique characteristics and also for being recognized as a healthy lifestyle.
So it is very advisable to have healthy habits in the kitchen and follow some simple rules to avoid taking risks.
In addition to this it is equally important to play sports, move, keeping mind and body well trained.
To do this, I have to choose the ingredients I will have to buy well and how best to cook them.
As far as we are concerned, pasta is one of the ingredients that I can eat every day (preferably wholemeal) as well as fruit and vegetables. Obviously, the rule of not overdoing is always valid.